MP Full Form

MP Full Form: If you do not know full form of MP then it should be relaxed because today we are going to give you all the information about MP in this article like What is MP’s full form?

The word MP holds an important place in Indian politics and its full form is “member sleeve”. The MP is a person who is a member of the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha and works to raise issues related to their constituency towards the public and respond to the government.

The word MP originates from Sanskrit, in which “Sad” means ‘assembly’ and “member” means ‘member’. Therefore, the MP is the person who is a member of the assembly, and its complete form is “member sleeve”.

MPs in India are elected in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The Lok Sabha MPs are selected by the selection of people, while Rajya Sabha MPs are elected by the Legislative Assembly of the states. The scope of these MPs belongs to a specific state or region, and they work in the interest of the people of their region.

MP Full Form In Hindi

MP का फुल फॉर्म “संसद का सदस्य”।

  • M – सदस्य
  • P – संसद

MP Full Form In English

MP’s full form “Member of Parliament”.

  • M – Member
  • P – Parliament

What is MP?

The person who has the right to sit in both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha is called a Member of Parliament (MP). Through the electoral process in Parliament, a candidate is elected from each parliamentary constituency, referred to as a Member of Parliament. Parliament is essential for making laws at the central level and advancing the country according to the constitution. It is through the Members of Parliament that the Prime Minister is elected based on majority support in Parliament.

Member of Parliament’s Tenure

The tenure of the Lok Sabha Member of Parliament is 5 years old, even after that he is chosen by voting by the public, then he can become a MP from back. At the same time, the tenure of Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha is 6 years. Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha can also be selected again.

Eligibility to become MP

  • First of all, he should be a citizen of India (India) and in the third schedule of the Indian Constitution, the Election Commission of India should take membership before the oath or confirmation as per the objective of the objective.
  • The second important thing should not be less than 25 years of age.
  • In any part of the country, he should be named in a voter list.
  • He should not be declared a criminal, that is, they should not be guilty, a confirmed indebted or otherwise the commission of the law.
  • He has other qualities that can be determined under or according to any law made by Parliament.

Also read:


1. What does MP stand for in the context of Indian politics?
MP stands for “Member of Parliament.”

2. What is the significance of being an MP in India?
MPs play a crucial role in representing the interests of their constituents in either the Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, contributing to the legislative process and governance.

3. How are MPs elected in India?
Members of Parliament are elected through a democratic process, where candidates contest in parliamentary constituencies, and the one with the majority vote becomes the MP for that area.

4. What is the difference between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs?
Lok Sabha MPs are directly elected by the people, while Rajya Sabha MPs are elected by the legislative assemblies of the states.

5. What are the responsibilities of an MP?
MPs are responsible for participating in parliamentary sessions, debating legislation, representing their constituents’ concerns, and contributing to the development of their regions.

6. Can an individual be a member of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha simultaneously?
No, an individual can be a member of either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha, not both simultaneously.

7. How does the election of the Prime Minister relate to MPs?
The Prime Minister in India is elected based on majority support in Parliament, and MPs play a crucial role in this process.

8. Are there any qualifications to become an MP in India?
Yes, a person must be a citizen of India, at least 25 years old for Lok Sabha and 30 years for Rajya Sabha, and meet other eligibility criteria specified by the Constitution.

9. How long is the term of an MP in India?
The term of an MP is five years, after which elections are conducted again.

10. Can MPs propose new laws in Parliament?
Yes, MPs can propose new laws through private member bills, and they actively participate in the legislative process by discussing and debating proposed legislation.

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